Post Tagged with: "happiness"
/ celebrating life, Optimism, Positive Thinking
Welcome the New Year with the optimism bias
It’s the New Year, and I for one am celebrating the start of 2016! For my husband, and me, 2015 was somewhat rough. We both had foot surgeries (try keeping […]
/ celebrating life, Gratitude, Joy, Positive Thinking
7 tips to increase joy in the season of giving
I want to help you increase joy during the season of giving as we wind down this year and move into the next. However, I also know from past experience […]
/ Building Confidence, Coaching, Taking Control
5 tips to immediately change attitude
The nicest part of starting a new school year is the sense that you can begin again. New faces, new schedule, new attitude…wait, new attitude? Is that really possible? Yes, […]
/ Building Confidence, Career Change, Change Strategy, Coaching
5 more ways to increase positivity in your life
Last month, I looked at 5 ways to increase positivity in your life by focusing on joy, gratitude, serenity, curiosity, and pride (in actual accomplishment). This month, I am adding […]
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