Post Tagged with: "attitude"
/ academia, celebrating life, Guilt, Happiness, Happiness in academia, Stress
7 tips to stop feeling guilty and enjoy the academic holidays
Do you feel like you need permission to stop feeling guilty and enjoy the academic holidays? You are not alone. I hereby grant you permission to enjoy yourself. Many academics I know find holidays difficult to enjoy.
/ Career Satisfaction, Slow Down, Time Management
Quiet quitting or setting boundaries
Quiet quitting or setting boundaries I wonder if “setting boundaries” is a better term than “quiet quitting” for the pushback employees are giving employers lately. I’ve lost track of the […]
/ academia, Academic Transitions, Building Confidence, Change Strategy, Learning, Teaching
Good enough and five tips for learning
Good enough and five tips for learning As fall begins, I think it’s time to start singing the praises of “good enough” in all areas of our lives instead of […]
/ academia, Career Satisfaction, Coaching, Focus, Getting Organized, Happiness
Six ways to get unstuck in your career
2022 has us feeling tired and burnout. Use these six ways to get unstuck and move forward.
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