Post Tagged with: "academic"
What’s love got to do with it? Being happy in academia
What’s love got to do with it? Being happy in academia What’s love got to do with it? Good question. In her song of the same title, Tina Turner asked, […]
/ Academic Transitions, Hope, productivity
How do you take care of yourself in academia?
How do you take care of yourself in academia? We’ve all been there: The semester is nearly over, and your exhaustion is palpable as the adrenaline that got you to […]
/ Career Change, Women in Academia
Do “women’s issues” still matter in higher education?
Sadly, I think the answer to this question is still, “yes,” especially in higher education. Most of my clients are women, and I am surprised at how often issues specific […]
/ Career Change, Career Planning, procrastination
5 Tips For Keeping Your Academic Job Search Organized
It’s that time of year again. Perusing the application deadlines, scanning Inside Higher Ed, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and the specialty journals in your field, looking for job openings […]
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