Hillary Can Help Series
CONFIDENCE: The Real McCoy (Hillary Can Help Book 1)

This book will give you simple tips you can learn to implement immediately, being the process of changing your attitude, and transforming your life. Exercises included.
This book is part of the Hillary Can Help Series, a collection of books and courses designed for self-led coaching. This book is available as both a print-on-demand ($10.49) and as a Kindle download ($2.99)
CHANGE: From Surviving To Thriving Transitions (Hillary Can Help Book 2)
Are you struggling with unexpected changes in your life? This short booklet is for you! It will help you understand the process of change and how to embrace change as a new opportunity. This book is available as both a print-on-demand ($10.49) and as a Kindle download ($2.99)
This book is part of the Hillary Can Help Series, a collection of books and courses designed for self-led coaching.
The EDUCO System: Your guide to becoming a happy, productive, thriving academic (Hillary Can Help Book 3)
This book is designed to help exhausted, overloaded academics deal with responsibilities of teaching, administration, research, writing and service work while bringing back the joy and excitement that brought them into this kind of intellectual work in the first place. Use the EDUCO system to:
1 – E Explore your options,
2 – D Design your mind,
3 – U Unload and unwind,
4 – C Craft your communications
5 – O Organize your life.
You will learn how to create a vision with goals, handle change and reduce negative self-talk, teaching and writing easier, understand good and bad stress, and set priorities for a maintainable organizational system.
The CHANGE-UP System: Your guide to creating fulfillment, balance, and success in your career life (Hillary Can Help Book 4)
This book will help you create fulfillment, balance, and success in your career and life. You will be guided through the different stages and phases in your life and help you create a road map that will get you to where you need to be, help you deal with stress, and keep things in perspective. You can have lasting transformation. We have heard countless times that it is the journey and not the destination that matters, but wouldn’t you like to actually enjoy the journey? This book is part of the Hillary Can Help Series. Use CHANGE UP to:
1 – C Consider your options
2 – H Have a vision, then set some goals
3 – A Act accordingly, and learn to handle stress appropriately
4 – N Nurture transitions and end your negative self-talk
5 – G Get organized to optimize your productivity
6 – E Explain yourself clearly, whether speaking or writing
7 – U Understand YOU are the most important piece
8 – P Proudly celebrate your accomplishments