Hillary Can Help Free Resources
Videos, Special Reports, Articles, Podcasts and Blog
These free resources are designed to help:
- Build confidence
- Career change and promotions
- Handle change of all types easily
- Improve communication
- Increase skills for job searching
- Get your writing done
- Leadership and management
- Reduce stress
- Gain clarity with visioning and goal-settingThese free resources are here to help your prioritize your priorities.
Hillary also gives motivational speeches on these topics at events and retreats.
Podcast: Interview with Hillary: Conscious Career Change is Possible
Have you been thinking about leaving academia or making a significant career change and need to build your confidence with some professional advice?
As career coach mentioned in Inside HigherEd
How to boost creativity in academe (essay) by Janelle Ward (2017-10-24)
Special Reports

“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” -John Keating, character in the movie Dead Poet’s Society
- Special Report on Confidence – Secrets to Creating a Confident You by Hillary Hutchinson
- Special Report on Change by Hillary Hutchinson
- Special Report on Leadership by Hillary Hutchinson
- Special Report on Visioning and Goal Setting by Hillary Hutchinson
- Special Report 7 deadly mistakes new professors make and how to avoid them
Hillary interviewed about the Center for Women workshop on sprucing up your resume.
The Transitioning Your Life blog gives advice on a myriad of subjects that will help you with you personal and professional life.
You can also contact Hillary to schedule your free 15-minute session to learn more about her services.
Transitioning Your Life YouTube Library
Hillary Can Help Series: Confidence in 14 steps
14 simple steps for building your confidence no matter who you are or what you are doing in the world to achieve greater success.
Hillary Can Help Series: Confidence, a visualization
This visualization is designed to help you become more confident in your professional and personal life. From Scaling the Ivory Tower: Your Academic Job Search Workbook by Hillary Hutchinson and Mary Beth Averill.
Hillary Can Help Series: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, a visualization
This visualization is designed to help you overcome the imposter syndromeFrom the workbook Scaling the Ivory Tower by Hillary Hutchinson and Mary Beth Averill
Hillary Can Help Series: Overcoming Resistance to Writing
Among the many tricks for overcoming resistance to any form of writing (whether academic, fictional, or for personal pleasure) is dealing with “gremlins,” those nasty critters that can undermine your confidence and get in the way of getting your writing done.
Special Reports
Special Report 7 deadly mistakes new professors make and how to avoid them
Special Report on Confidence – Secrets to Creating a Confident You by Hillary Hutchinson
Special Report on Change by Hillary Hutchinson
Special Report on Leadership by Hillary Hutchinson
Special Report on Visioning and Goal Setting by Hillary Hutchinson